Joke of the Day

What has a lot of keys but can not open any doors?

A piano

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Life Right Now

I'm a 26 year old stay-at-home mom. To keep from going insane, I have 3 cats, 2 dogs and a baby. My hobbies include reading, singing off key, telling bedtime stories, and couponing. I don't know that it's in my nature to be a stay-at-home mom, but I can't stand the thought of someone else raising by sweet little Lexi. So I started couponing a couple of months ago. I've already saved at least $400 and have a ton of storage now. This makes me feel better about putting the financial burden completely on my husband (poor thing).
I plan on using this blog to post savings and tips, upload pics and videos of my crazy family (pets included), and whatever else I feel like posting at the time. Thanks for reading about my life in a nutshell, though I don't really live in a nutshell- more like a standard suburban house painted pink and purple.

1 comment:

  1. I am now your "follower." Lol!
    Make sure to put a link on fb when you put up a new post so we know to come check it out.
    I'm hoping you inspire me to start couponing so I can start getting some incredible deals like you!
